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İtalyanın Pescara şehrinde bulunan Yüksek Müzik Okulu'nun 3 yıllık ihtisas programına ilişkin duyuru

İlan Giriş : 2003-12-28T19:21
Son Güncelleme 2018-03-29T02:14
D likiler Genel Mdrl

D likiler Genel Mdrl
Tel : 413 17 06-16 82
E-Posta : disiskultur@meb.gov.tr
Fax : 418 82 89
Bakanlklar 06648 ANKARA


talyann Pescara ehrinde bulunan Yksek Mzik Okulu'nun (Accademia Musicale Pescara) 3() yllk ihtisas programna ilikin duyuru web adresi (http://www.accademiamusicalepescarese.it )


1. The three year specialisation courses of the Accademia Musicale Pescarese are open, upon passing an entrance exam, to students that hold a preceding diploma, with the exception of the following courses: composition, orchestral conducting, band conducting, choral conducting, singing and electronic music.

2. The request of admission, to be compiled on the included application form, must arrive within 1 0 January 2004 (according to the postmark of the application form) together with the admission fee, in the form of money order, postal order, or cheque, made out to the Accademia Musicale Pescarese -Via dei Peligni 152 -65127 Pescara. The application fee confers the right to undergo the entrance exam.

3. The student or chamber group admitted to the courses, beyond the application fee, must pay the entire fee of annual participation, even if his/her attendance to the course be suspended for any reason. Chamber groups musf be pre-established.

4. Both for the exams of passage and the final diploma exams, the minimum passing mark is 8/1 0. The mark may be rounded otf by 0.5, in exceptional cases, upon written request to the Director of the Accademia. .

5. The admission to the final exam depends upon the student's attendance during the entire three years, which cannot be Iess than 2/3 of the total number of Iessons (except in case of illness etc, which must be formally proved) .The final exams are to be played by memory. AII students admitted to the final exams must send a request (on unstamped card) to the Director no Iess than 1 0 days before the date of the exam, and make a payment of the following exam fees: 400.00 for instrumental courses, and for orchestral and band conducting 155.00 for singing courses 260.00 (total) for duo, trio, quartet and quintet 500.00 (total) for piano duo

6. The Accademia may suppress any course and or substitute the teacher during the academic year, without the obligation to refund the admission fee.

7 .Active participants may attend two courses at the most, paying only one admission fee and with a discount of 25% on the fee of the course that is Iess expensive.

8. Those students of the four year Music Therapy course who are interested in attending another course, may pay only one application fee, but must pay both attendance fees wholly.

9. Th,e Accademia does not accept responsibility for errors or damages of any kind that ensue from frequency of the Iessons or from participating in the activities of the Accademia itself.

1 0. Those students who participate in public activities organised by the Accademia, whether exams or concerts, will not have the right to remuneration or payment of expenses.

11. The teachers are not obliged to recuperate Iessons that the students do not attend.

12. Any changes, due to circumstances beyond the control of the Accademia, will be duly communicated.

13. Admission fee (for one academic year) Individual courses 80.00; Duo, trio, quartet, quintet (total) 130.00; Moduli di musica elettronica 1 0.00; Master classes and seminars 30.00; observers 25.00.

14. Fees for observers: all courses 155.00; Orchestral conducting 260.00; Master classes and seminars 50.00.

15. it is possible to divide the participation fees into three instalments (four for courses in Orchestral conducting)} to be paid within the first three Iessons.

16. Students who reside outside of Italy, or with a regular Permesso di soggiornq, must pay the entire participation fee at the first Iesson. ~

17 .The fees for Master classes and seminars must be paid wholly, at the beginning of the Iessons.

18. Those students who do not pay the entire participation fees within the Iast instalment date will be suspended from the Iessons.

19. The present 2004 Regulations substitute all preceding versions. ,

20. In case of claims the otficial regulations are those written in Italian.

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