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Maliye Bakanlığı mütercim tercüman alım ilanı

İlan Giriş : 2007-03-13T13:02
Son Güncelleme 2018-03-29T02:14



Turkish Ministry of Finance, Strategy Development Unit is seeking 3 translators in English for full time work under contract according to Law No 657 paragraph 4/B. They will be performing translation and interpretation on a daily basis according to the neccessities.

Necessary job qualifications/skills are stated below:
• Undergraduate degree in translation-interpretation in English
• A or B level in KPDS and/or have a TOEFL score of at least 213
• Turkish Nationality (native speaker of Turkish)
• Fluent command of English (French and/or German language availability is an asset)
• Familiar to terminology (Public Financial Management, Internal Control, etc)
• Ability of simultaneous interpretation and consecutive translation
• Command of MS Office
• Good communication skills
• Teamwork oriented

CVs with “REF: Interpreter-Translator” should be sent via e-mail to
or via fax to the number:
+90 (312) 415 25 74

Application Deadline: 17.30 March 16 th, 2007

Preliminary evaluation will be made based on CVs and concluded by 21 st of March at 17.30 p.m. The candidates who fulfill the relevant criteria will be invited to a written translation exam on 30 th of March at 09:30. a.m. After the evaluation of the written exam, those who are short-listed will be invited to a simultaneous interpretation test and interview in English.

The exam will take place in the following address:
Maliye Bakanlığı Strateji Geliştirme Başkanlığı
Dikmen İlkadım Caddesi Kara Harp Okulu Yanı M Blok Kat:3
Zip code: 06450

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