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Avrupa Çevre Ajansı Uzman Alımı Başvuruları

İlan Giriş : 2004-07-06T00:00
Son Güncelleme 2018-03-29T02:14

Avrupa Çevre Ajansına (AÇA) üye ülkelerden Ulusal Uzmanlar AÇA' nın Kopenhag/DANİMARKA' daki merkezinde çalıştırılmaktadır. Üye ülkeler adına Avrupa Çevre Ajansında görevlendirilecek Ulusal Uzman çalıştırmaya ilişkin dökümanlar http://www.cevreorman.gov.tr ve http://www.cedgm.gov.tr web adreslerinde AÇA Duyuruları altında yayımlanmaktadır.

Ulusal Uzman olarak görev yapmak isteyenlerin İnternet ortamında yayınlanan dökümanları inceleyerek, Bakanlığımıza başvuruda bulunması gerekmektedir.

Copenhagen, 2004-05-19

To: Members of the EEA Management Board
Cc.: B. Moldan, Chairman of the Scientific Committee

Subject: Secondment of National Experts to the European Environment Agency

As in previous years, I would like to invite the Management Board Members to propose candidates for national experts. The secondment of national experts has proven to be of great value both for the Agency and national institutions. In order to further expand this co-operation, we would especially appreciate candidates from the new member states.

The Agency currently has vacant positions for national experts in a number of different areas as indicated in the detailed job descriptions enclosed in annex I. We are particularly interested in filling the positions for these already identified areas. We are, however, also looking for candidates with an educational and professional background of a more general nature.

The national experts will work as project managers within the Agency and will take part in the implementation of the Agency's work programme. The secondments will be in accordance with the rules applicable to national experts currently in force at the Agency. A copy of these rules is attached at annex II. During the period of secondment, the experts will continue to be employed and remunerated by the organization from which they are seconded. Expenses related to travel, installation and daily subsistence allowances will be covered by the Agency.

I would ask you to inform us in writing by 1 September 2004, at the latest, of the names of the candidates you wish to propose, in order to fill the vacant positions before the end of this year. The subsequent selection process will be in accordance with the Agency's standard procedures and the Bureau and the Management Board will be kept informed accordingly.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Prof. Jacqueline McGlade
Executive Director

Annex. Rules applicable to National Experts
Profiles for National Experts


Project Manager - Non-member country and international cooperation
Programme: Strategic Knowledge and Innovation (SKI)

Job description

Strategic development and coordination of EEA contacts and activities with non-member countries and international cooperation, and support to the operational units in this regard.

Functions and duties:

" Develop and maintain strategic bilateral and regional cooperation between the Agency and non-member countries in Europe and beyond and relevant international organisations
" Identify priority areas for joint activities adding value to the work programme in cooperation with relevant Agency staff
" Facilitate identification of appropriate funding resources to cover EEA work with non-member countries and to further develop such cooperation
" Ensure links with the relevant Community bodies (in particular DG Environment, DG External relations, DG Development, EuropeAid) and ensure coherence between EEA activities and the relevant EU-approach towards the particular non-member country/region and international organisation.
" Support operational units in implementing non-member country and international cooperation

Project Manager - Environment and Health

Programme: Strategic Knowledge and Innovation (SKI)

Job description:

Development and coordination of environment and health activities across the agency with special attention to the development of a shared environment and health information system.

Functions and duties:

" Development of a shared Environment and Health Information System (EHIS) in cooperation with the EEA member countries, EU institutions and the WHO
" Support the development of a set of environment and health indicators within EHIS focussing on environmental stressors in cooperation with relevant partners
" Support the development of frameworks of analysis for environment and health issues
" Support EEA contributions to EU and WHO Environment and Health action plans
" Support the development of environment and health assessments
" Support cooperation and partnership activities with relevant organisations concerned with Environment and Health

Project Manager - Energy and environment

Programme: Environmental Assessment (EAS)

Job description:
Responsible for the development of projects linking energy with environmental issues.

Functions and duties:

" Participate in integrated assessments on renewable energy, including biofuels, and energy efficiency and the environment; e.g. with regard to the quantification of emission reductions through use of Combined Heat and Power and renewable energy sources.
" Develop and maintain indicator fact sheets relevant to the area;
" Liaise with main clients and stakeholders in the area;
" Contribute to EEA reports and assessments.

Project Manager - Transport and environment

Programme: Environmental Assessment (EAS)

Job description:

Responsible for the development of projects and assessments linking transport with environmental issues and with developments in other sectors such as energy and agriculture.

Functions and duties:

" Participate in integrated assessments on transport modes and transport infrastructures and the environment. Topics such as biofuels, aviation and freight rail could be relevant topics. Assessment of new policy tools such as environmental zoning could equally be relevant;
" Develop and maintain indicator fact sheets relevant to the area;
" Liaise with main clients and stakeholders in the area;
" Contribute to EEA reports and assessments.

Project Manager - Climate change

Programme: Environmental Assessment (EAS)

Job description:

Responsible for the development of projects and assessments dealing with one or more of the following aspects of greenhouse gas emissions and climate change: use of the Kyoto mechanisms, sectoral development and emission projections, climate change impacts and adaptation.

Functions and duties:

" Develop and participate in integrated assessments related to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change;
" Develop and maintain indicator fact sheets relevant to the area;
" Liaise with main clients and stakeholders in the area;
" Contribute to EEA reports and assessments.

Project Manager - Waste

Programme: Environmental Assessment (EAS)

Job description:

Project manager responsible for the development of work in the area of waste management.

Functions and duties:

" Strategic development of the EEA work on waste;
" Contribute to the provision of reliable information on waste issues (waste quantities, treatment/disposal methods, waste prevention techniques and environmental impacts from waste management) within the framework of relevant EU policies (e.g. 6th EAP) and other priorities;
" Support coordination of tasks and activities to be undertaken by the waste topic team and ETC/WMF (European Topic Centre on Waste and Materials Flows);
" Contribute to integrated assessment on issues related to waste in particular on waste management (incl. development of indicators, scenarios and projections) and final editing of outputs (topic/technical reports, waste chapters of main EEA-reports, tools/models etc.);
" Working together with other Agency's groups, in order to define and implement cross-cutting themes relevant to waste issues (energy/incineration, air emissions, contaminated sites, health and the environment);
" Cooperate with the relevant units of DG ENV, Eurostat and JRC for the definition of tasks of mutual benefit;
" Build contacts and cooperation with the member countries through the NFP/EIONET network on waste issues.

Project Manager - Environment-economics

Programme: Analysis, integration and reporting (AIR)

Job description:

Support to work on environment-economics including maintenance and analysis of OECD/EEA database for economic instruments.

Functions and duties:

" Contribute to EEA activities on economic instruments including analysis and indicators for regular EEA reports
" Support production of briefings for EEA clients in EEA member countries, European Commission and European Parliament
" Organise periodical update of database with information for new EU countries, accession countries and Western Balkan countries
" Quality assure database contents
" Organise reviews by countries
" Liaise with OECD and European Commission on database developments

Project Manager - Indicators and assessments

Programme: Analysis, integration and reporting (AIR)

Job description:

Support to work on development of indicator frameworks, methodologies and assessment reports.

Functions and duties:

" Contribute to EEA work on indicator-based analysis in particular in the areas of benchmarking country performance and distance to target analysis
" Contribute to development of methods and results at European level for aggregate/composite indicators of environmental change and sustainable development (eg ecological footprint, index of sustainable economic welfare)
" Produce and communicate concise analysis from the above types of work in EEA briefings and reports, notably EEA Signals
" Quality assure results in consultation with EIONET and others
" Liaise with other institutions to share experiences and gain experience of new approaches that could be embraced by EEA

Project Manager - Spatial assessments

Programme: Analysis, integration and reporting (AIR)

Job description:

Support to work on assessment of spatial dimension of environmental issues.

Functions and duties:

" To produce assessments as part of the EEA indicator and reporting developments, through focusing on the spatial dimension in state-of-the-environment reporting.
" To undertake spatial data analysis including treatment of statistical and scientific uncertainty using various GIS software
" To stimulate the development of methodologies and tools underpinning indicators for integrated spatial assessments, including quality-control techniques.
" To contribute to modelling and data integration/assimilation capacities as part of the development of the Agency integrated spatial information system.
" To animate and connect expertise within EIONET and partner networks (e.g. ESPON, CPMR) so as to enhance the scientific basis for spatial assessments.
" To organise regular information exchanges, meetings and workshops.

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